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May 13 ,2019

Free Form Digital Progressive Lenses

Firstly, why buy online? You buy your clothes online, you buy your food and do pretty much everything online, so why not buy your glasses there too? It’s easy, convenient and most of the times a lot cheaper.

What Are Progressive Lenses?

Progressive lenses are multi-focal lenses with three viewing areas: distance-, intermediate-, and near-vision. The primary viewing area in a standard progressive lens is for distance, with a smaller area at the bottom of the lens for near vision, and an even smaller area for intermediate vision in the middle. The clear viewing area is located in the central “corridor” of the lens. Since these areas are blended together, there’s a noticeable but expected blur when looking to the edges of the lens.

Advantages of progressive lenses over bifocals

Bifocal eyeglass lenses have only two powers: one for seeing across the room and the other for seeing up close. Objects in between, like a computer screen or items on a grocery store shelf, often remain blurry with bifocals.
Choose a frame that's big enough to include all viewing zones. Some progressive designs are compact, to fit in the smaller frames now in style.
To attempt to see objects at this "intermediate" range clearly, bifocal wearers must bob their heads up and down, alternately looking through the top and then the bottom of their bifocals, to determine which part of the lens works better. Bifocals also put you at greater risk for computer vision syndrome (CVS) when using a computer for extended periods. Bifocal wearers have to sit closer to the screen and tilt their heads back to see through the bottom part of their lenses. This unnatural posture can lead to muscle strain, neck pain and other symptoms of CVS.
Progressive lenses more closely mimic the natural vision that you enjoyed before the onset of presbyopia. Instead of providing just two lens powers like bifocals (or three, like trifocals), progressive lenses are true "multifocal" lenses that provide a smooth, seamless progression of many lens powers for clear vision across the room, up close and at all distances in between. With progressive lenses, there's no need to bob your head up and down or adopt uncomfortable postures to see your computer screen or other objects at arm's length.
Holding your head in a comfortable position, you can simply look straight ahead to see in the distance, move your eyes slightly downward to view your computer through the intermediate zone and lower your gaze a bit farther to read comfortably up close.

Free form Digital Progressive Lenses versus Conventional Progressives Lenses.

In The last two decades, tremendous technological advancements and computer modeling enabled lens manufactures to develop and produce a new kind of Free Form Digital Progressive Lens (FFD PALs). This lens has many substantial advantages over a conventional progressive lens, providing the user with an almost perfect, distortion free, vision correction at all ranges.


Free form digital progressive lenses are called Free form because they can be fully customized. Manufactures of the lenses are not limited by a fixed or a static design, but can fully customize your vision correction for optimal results. In the same way a tailor fit you with a new outfit, different personal measurements are taken into the account. Measurements such the distance between the eye and the lens, angle at which lenses are placed relatively to the eyes and in some cases even the shape of the eye. These enables us to create a fully customized progressive lens that will give you the patient, the highest possible vision performance.


Having appropriately advanced machines these days, it has become effortless to convert the length of the lens form to its appropriate height as desired by the user’s selected frame. This can benefit the efficacy of the dominant viewing regions deprived of unreasonably optical performance. This way, the user can completely enjoy adequate reading value through the major observing zones imaginable, irrespective of any frame size. At ublins, one of the top-ranking online prescription eyeglasses stores, is now offering Free-form progressive lenses and other well-known and demanding lenses at best prices guaranteed. Call, email or chat live with their representatives if you have any query regarding your new or existing order, and they are always there to answer all your questions with full satisfaction guaranteed.

Shop our wide-selection of progressive glasses today >>
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